VIRUS Protection Coaching

Lock Down – the Second

And the feeling of being controlled by others increases massively again. It feels as if we are puppets in a game.
In addition, many of us have a vague feeling of fear – fear of a constricting present and fear of an uncertain future.

It can happen that a loss of control or even helplessness spreads in our thoughts – like a virus. And the opposing opinions and sometimes strange contributions of family, friends, acquaintances and also the (social) media additionally fuel the virus in us.

It would be good to have an effective remedy for this, wouldn’t it?


As an antidote I have developed a special ““virus protection coaching”“.

So that breathing through and taking courage are possible again.

Duration: about 60 min
How: MS Teams or Skype
Investment: € 120.-

Mobile: 0664 45 53 356